
The Gallery

Welcome to our Gallery where we’ve compiled thousands of images featuring our unique ironmongery, lighting, & homeware in a variety of properties. Explore the Gallery below to gain a sense of product scale, finish, and inspiration for your home.

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  1. Finish
    Aged Bronze
Shopping Options
  1. Bolts 1item
  2. Butt Hinges 2items
  3. Cabinet Knobs 8items
  4. Centre Door Knobs 1item
  5. Coat Hooks 1item
  6. Drawer Pulls 2items
  7. Escutcheons 2items
  8. Escutcheons & Cover 1item
  9. Espag. Fasteners 7items
  10. Espagnolette 4items
  11. Lever Bathroom 1item
  12. Lever Latch 2items
  13. Lever Lock 3items
  14. Lever on Rose 2items
  15. Locking Fasteners 1item
  16. Mortice Knobs 9items
  17. Mortice/Rim Knobs 6items
  18. On Backplate 1item
  19. Sash Hook Fasteners 1item
  20. Sash Lifts 1item
  21. Slimline Espags 4items
  22. Stay Pins 1item
  23. Stays 12items
  24. Thumbturns 1item
  1. Art Deco 2items
  2. Avon 5items
  3. Ball Bearing 2items
  4. Beehive 3items
  5. Brockworth 1item
  6. Elmore 1item
  7. Finger Lift 1item
  8. Hammered Art Deco 1item
  9. Hammered Mushroom 3items
  10. Hammered Newbury 6items
  11. Hinton 4items
  12. Mushroom 4items
  13. Newbury 7items
  14. Offset 1item
  15. Oval 2items
  16. Prestbury 5items
  17. Reeded 10items
  18. Round 2items
  19. Tewkesbury 1item
  20. Universal 1item
  1. Aged Brass 53items
  2. Aged Bronze 63items
  3. Antique Pewter 19items
  4. Beeswax 90items
  5. Black 226items
  6. Burnished 2items
  7. Ebony 7items
  8. Electro Brass 4items
  9. External Beeswax 12items
  10. Hammered Brass 4items
  11. Hammered Copper 5items
  12. Hammered Nickel 5items
  13. Iron 2items
  14. Lacquered Brass 2items
  15. Matt Black 12items
  16. Natural Smooth 20items
  17. Natural Textured 2items
  18. Pewter Patina 213items
  19. Polished Brass 37items
  20. Polished Bronze 37items
  21. Polished Chrome 50items
  22. Polished Nickel 40items
  23. PVD Brass 1item
  24. Rosewood 6items
  25. Satin Chrome 13items
  26. Satin Stainless Steel 2items
  27. Smooth Brass 5items
  28. Smooth Copper 2items
  29. Smooth Nickel 5items
  30. Stainless Steel 1item

Items 1-24 of 63


Items 1-24 of 63
